If you have Meccano that you would like to sell, please send your 'advert' with photos to [email protected].
To buy Meccano that is advertised here, please contact the seller directly.
To go to wanted items either scroll down past the For Sale items or click here.
There is currently 0 lots for sale and 2 wanted items. Please scroll down the page to see all items. Clicking on any photo will enlarge it.
Are you looking for a particular item, model plan or anything Meccano related? Or are you able to point someone in the right direction or fulfil someone's request? Either way, email [email protected] and we will post your request or forward an answer to you.
Barry Winslow is looking for plans to build a Kettenkraftrad (popularly known as Kettenkrad). He says:
I have asked several club members, who are sure the plans exist but cannot recall where. Unfortunately when I acquired the magazine there were no plans of the Kettenkraftrad inside, As I am not a terrific model builder a basic plan would be helpful to keep the scale correct et cetera.
Please contact Barry directly at [email protected] if you can help.
John Day is looking for help with supplying some small dolls or similar, to include in his vertical drop fairground model. Some pictures of some he already has are included. They need to be about 4” tall, and be able to bend at the knees and hips.
If anyone has something which will do the job they can contact [email protected], or John directly if they have his details.