2025 Meeting Dates

We hold four meetings annually and normally three are for our members and their guests to get together, discuss and show our latest projects. The fourth is usually a more open meeting for family and friends and by invitation. We often have an auction and run our Scrapheap Challenge at the April meeting. We aim to have a fifth event each year as a public exhibition (See 2019 M Shed Exhibition page for example).  All will be welcome at our exhibition and you may also join us at our club meetings by prior arrangement with the secretary. Meetings are held in various halls normally in the Bristol area.

Dates for Meetings and Exhibitions for 2025.  Please see Next Meeting for details of each forthcoming meeting.

First meeting of the Year - Saturday 18th January. Olveston Village Hall, Tockington 10.30 am to 4.30 pm

April - Saturday 5th April -Olveston Village Hall, Tockington 10.30 am to 4.30 pm

July - Saturday 5th July  - Olveston Parish Hall, Tockington. Start time 10.30am.

October - Meeting and AGM on Saturday 18th October - Olveston Parish Hall, Tockington. Start time 10.30am.

For more information please email our secretary.

Our members also exhibit at various other clubs' exhibitions.