The Malcolm Hanson Trophy – Rules (amended for 2019)
1) The Malcolm Hanson Trophy will be awarded to the best model displayed at the AGM in October each year.
2) This competition is open to SWMC members only, by displaying a card alongside the model which will be allocated a number. This effectively says “My model is complete and ready for entry into the competition”.
3) Voting slips will be provided at the meeting, and only votes by SWMC members will be counted.
4) In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by Committee members who are not themselves one of the two contesting finalists.
5) Any model can only ever win the cup once; however it can be entered as many times as the builder chooses, under the above rules.
6) The Malcolm Hanson Trophy will be presented informally to the winner immediately at the AGM when it is won. However it will need to be returned immediately after, for (7)
7) The Committee will have the Trophy engraved with the winner’s name (and the year awarded) before it is presented formally at the applicable January meeting.
8) The winner will also receive a small cup engraved with South West Meccano Club, The Malcolm Hanson Trophy, their name and the year won, which they can keep permanently.
9) To enable all this to happen, the previous winner must return the Trophy at the start of the AGM following that at which he/she won.