Henley 2018 was again attended by members of our club, both displaying and some just visiting. It was nice to see Philip Drew again as well as some of our members from our far South West branch.
As usual, Mike Rhoades and Dave Taylor were there, selling their wares, although Dave Taylor has said that he is running down his stock as he will be retiring as a Meccano dealer. Fortunately, his stock is vast so those bright shiny bits we crave will still be available for a while.
The exhibits (which can be seen on the NZ Meccano site) ranged from a large twin engine passenger aircraft to a mini Meccanograph. There was also an interesting functional differential analyser (yes, look it up!).
During the afternoon most of our members still at the exhibition managed to sit down together outside in the lovely sunshine, drinking tea and putting the world to rights.
Below are the models exhibited by our club members - John Day, Pete Evans and Chris Bates.
John Day brought his Sinclair Harding Navigation clock, which despite his warning note regarding its unreliability, worked well all day apart from gaining an hour and a half.
Pete Evans brought two of his cars, an MG and a Bugatti as well as his complete set of ships' funnels.