Despite the weather there was a good turn-out at Philip’s on the 14th Jan.
David Northcott showed us his SS. Nausea, a beautiful vessel but tossed around on a tempestuous Meccano ocean created by a clever combination of gears and cams.
Richard Smith brought us some Meccano built wheels that attempted to get as close as possible in appearance to some Bugatti prototypes.
Neil Bedford had a lovely bus model and the beginnings of a car transporter. He is carefully scaling the transporter and the cars that it carries so that they match as closely as possible in size and look.
Tony South had a large Roman/Greek galley with a mind boggling number of oars. He had hoped to use Meccano parts for the latter but nothing would scale properly so it was off to B&Qs for the required parts!
Peter Adams showed us his nicely made model of the Pegasus bascule bridge from Normandy that was made famous when captured by the 6th Airborne Division in 1944 as part of the invasion of France.
Terry Childs is building a radio controlled digger and matching dumper truck and brought the truck along to show us. All is going well and he hopes to use a sophisticated new radio control system on the finished articles.
Pete Evans has been lucky enough to acquire a boxed Geared Roller Bearing in wonderful condition and a 1934 E outfit. He brought them both along to show us.
Sam Medworth also had a new acquisition in the form a 60s Mechanisms outfit. He also showed us a gear mechanism from a tower crane, a robot and a tricycle. He has obviously been busy!