January 2012 Meeting at Henleaze (Malcolm Hanson)
1. There was a good turn-out at Philip’s on the 14th Jan. Tony South brought a delta wing aircraft a bit like a mini-Vulcan which he described as being more of a fighter than a bomber. Sam Medworth had been making good use of his Meccano steam engine be integrating it into a Foden Steam Wagon with a two speed gear-box and several refinements over the MM model on which it was based. He also brought a recent Harrier Jump-Jet kit model. David Northcott had a three speed and reverse gearbox, designed for a vintage racing car and the Adrian Ashford designed differential that David thought superior to any other design he had encountered. David Worth’s radio controlled car was of a very radical design that would appeal to young Meccano enthusiasts as would the mini-robot he had with him. Richard had been going to build the Baltic Tank supermodel but decided not to as it was too poor a design! Instead he has opted for a Coronation Class loco like the Hornby Dublo City of London he has owned from childhood. He showed the progress he has made with the chassis and driving wheel design. Mark Bridle is working on an adaptation of the Bert Love Electric Dockside Crane that featured in a late edition of MM. He is bringing it in line with a crane that graced the docks at Fishguard. Neil Bedford was still into radio control with a simple truck this time and he also had a small but perfectly formed mobile crane. I brought a modern Tin-tin sailing ship as featured in the recent film, some small cars and a Primus dealer’s cabinet that I have restored. Richard showed us progress on the revamped website he is working on and that, with Philip’s help, we hope will go live in the near future.
In the meantime the models at the meeting can be seem here: http://www.nzmeccano.com/image-54520
2. In the previous newsletter I gave a date of July 6th for the meeting at my place. Firstly July 6th is not a Thursday and secondly it would clash with Skegex! The meeting will now be on July 12th.
Our next meeting will be our annual exhibition. Richard Smith has kindly offered to help organise another exhibition in his local village hall of Tockington, BS32 4LH, which will be open to the public (see map below). This will take place on Sat April 14th. We will open to the public from 10am until 4pm but we will be able to get in from 8am to set up. We will be making a particular effort to maximise attendance and enjoyment at this event. As well as the scrapheap challenge (details below) there will be a new competition “The Ben Johnson Shield” for the best model in show. David Worth has kindly denoted a trophy for this in honour of a charity he supports. Neil will be producing voting slips for the public, and us, to use in selecting the “best model” which will also give a brief account of Meccano and the club. To make this viable all models will need a brief note associated with them detailing the model name and description plus the identity of the builder. Please all make sure you do this. David Worth is organising a raffle in aid of his charity for which the prize will be a Meccano Red Arrow kit. To demonstrate to the public that Meccano models do not all have to be large and grand (and to ensure that all members have no excuse for not bringing a model!) you are all invited to build and bring a “No.3 Outfit model”. This can be from a No.3 of any period (1908 to 1979!) and they will be displayed together. Richard will be bringing small collections of parts for members of the public to use in building a small model. This will be based on a system he had used with great success with local Scout groups. This “Modellers Corner” and the supervision of the door and collection of money from visitors will need us all to help and Neil will devise a rota for this. Other domestic arrangements are as follows:
Lyn Smith and friends will arrange the catering.
Richard and Neil will produce a poster advertising the event a copy of which will be emailed to everyone for them to use in promoting the show locally to themselves and where they work.
David Worth will draft a press release and Richard will send it to local papers.
Richard will contact local schools plus scout/guide groups.
I will try and get us a mention on Points West.
I will contact “local” Meccano Clubs with details of the event.
Everyone needing power should bring an extension lead.
This year’s scrap heap challenge is to build a vehicle powered by a standard 415g tin of baked beans! The vehicle which goes the furthest along the wooden floor of the hall wins. Before you get carried away the tin is to power the vehicle via dropping from as great a height as you can manage whilst remaining entirely on-board the vehicle. E.g. wheels could be driven via cord attached to the tin whilst it drops. The main constraints are that the wheel base must be no more than 5.5” (although the vehicle can be any width) the dropping of the tin itself must be the only means of powering and the tin must stay on the vehicle. You may touch the machine once to start it and that’s it! You may only use standard Meccano parts apart from the tin of beans and any cord you wish to use.
There is a great will that this be the most successful show we have ever staged. Your help in this is vital by a) attending and b) engaging in the activities we have planned as wholeheartedly as possible. Let’s go for it!