2018 SWMC Scrapheap Challenge – Rule
This year’s challenge is very simple in concept but winning it will require careful use of parts to squeeze the most out of a No.1 clockwork motor.
- The objective is to build a winch/windlass of any kind, which will be held stationary on the floor of the hall and will use a cord to pull a load of known weight towards it over a measured distance.
- The winning machine will be the one which achieves the objective in the shortest time.
- The load will be a 1 litre plastic milk bottle, filled halfway with water to give a measured weight of exactly 500g (in a form which will slide readily and not damage the floor).
- Each machine should be fitted with a hook of some kind (any standard Meccano hook will be fine) which can be attached to a loop of cord which will be tied to each milk bottle.
- The measured distance will be ten feet and the 'pull' will begin from a standing start.
- Each machine will be powered only by a single Meccano No. 1 clockwork motor which cannot be rewound during the challenge and will use only standard ?Meccano parts (with the exception of the long cord which is attached to the milk bottle).
- Machines will be run in pairs, with the winning machine progressing each time to the next round.
- The winner of the final round will win the 2018 Scrapheap Trophy.
Here are some links to YouTube videos, where you can view the heats of the Scrapheap Challenge.
First heat, Second heat, Another heat, First semi-final, Second semi-final, Final